While the early days of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were populated primarily by straight white guys, Marvel Studios has worked since then to diversify its lineup of heroes, representing both a broader segment of society and of its own stable of superbeings. It has struggled more with explicitly representing a variety of sexual orientations, though, and took some of its first small steps in 2021 with the Disney+ series Loki. Tom Hiddleston spoke about the experience in a new Q&A with The Guardian.
When asked what it was like to transition the Loki character from the big screen to small with the Loki series on Disney+, Hiddleston said that he was “just really honored to be asked,” and said that his focus was on retaining the integrity of the character.
“I also hope Loki coming out as bisexual was meaningful to people who spotted it. It was a small step, and there’s further to go. But it was definitely important to all of us,” Hiddleston added. The nature of the Q&A session meant that the actor didn’t get to go any deeper than that comment.
When the episode debuted last June, director Kate Herron expressed her happiness on Twitter at being able to bring this element of Loki’s character to the MCU, even using some of the same words as Hiddleston has in this new interview.